
“Heal Your Spirit Through The Soul Of A Horse”


The Horses

Co-facilitators in Spirit



Baron was a gift, which became more apparent as he settled into his own and became my sole co-facilitator for the last year of his life. His zen-like personality helped so many. He enjoyed a natural deep affinity for this work, acting as a powerful empathic mirror to everyone he met.



With the temperament of a lamb and the patience of a saint, Caesar was my true partner in this work.  He had an ability to gently yet profoundly mirror a client’s strengths and weaknesses to promote healing and acceptance.



Calysta began her equine career as a hard-working roping, penning, jumping & trail-riding professional.  In her second career as an equine facilitate psychotherapist, she showed acute sensitivity to the needs of our clients, effortlessly connecting to everyone. She had the wisest and sweetest heart who drew the living attention of any person or animal she came in contact with.

STAR: Star's passing has greatly affected us all. He was my favorite riding partner, always allowing me to safely push my own limits. His gentle presence and willingness to work made him a particularly effective EFP partner. We miss him everyday.

BANJO: Banjo, who now resides in Wyoming, taught me that letting go is not giving up. The lessons I learned with him will always influence and enhance my EFP work.

GENERAL: General's generosity and patience are now given to dozens of boys who compete for the opportunity to attend to him. When not serving the Boy Scout summer camp, General may be found grazing deservedly in a beautiful meadow.





